Meet the CSz Boston Team 

Alicia Barnatchez “Tyra” Banks

CSz Player Since
: 2006
Starting City: New York, NY
Favorite Game: Four Square
Fun Fact: Once I "swam with the fishes" in the Hudson River during the NYC Triathlon.

Ben "Mo Money" Moser

CSz Player Since
: 2000
Starting City: Raleigh, NC
Favorite Game: Billy Goat’s Gruff
Fun Fact: I can be summoned by bringing a chicken biscuit to the Famous Pole of Roslindale.

“Great” Britlyn Orgill

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Switch Interview
Fun Fact: I can play the pipe organ!


Christin "Run For The" Rills

CSz Player Since
: 2014
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Paperchase
Fun Fact: I have a deep love of wearing costumes and visiting theme parks.

Courtney "Walden" Pong

CSz Player Since
: 2001
Starting City: San Jose, CA
Favorite Game: Lie Detector
Fun Fact: I flipped my intestines in 2015 - it’s called a cecum volvulus!

Damien “Omen” Smith

CSz Player Since
: 2020
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Beastie Rap
Fun Fact: I can set the clock on any device, first try.


“There is no” Dana “Only Zuul” Besmanoff

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: 185
Fun Fact: I was in the virtual audience of 8 episodes of Divorce Court.

Darla “Dee Dah” Munroe

CSz Player Since
: 2017
Starting City: Columbus, OH
Favorite Game: Changing Styles
Fun Fact: I speak fluent German.

Dennis "Show No" Mercier

CSz Player Since
: 2015
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Switch Interview
Fun Fact: I can act out the entire script of the movie ‘Scream.’


Elizabeth “Fie Fi Fo” Fieg

CSz Player Since
: 2018
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Pan Left/Pan Right
Fun Fact: I once worked on a dude ranch in Wyoming!

Emmy "No Shirt, No Shoes, No" Serviss

CSz Player Since: 2015
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Whatchu Got?
Fun Fact: I worked on A&E's TV show "Intervention" for a year and a half.

Ethan "Buy Or" Selby

CSz Player Since
: 2013
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Echo
Fun Fact: I play drums!


Ezra "Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give a" Flam

CSz Player Since: 2015
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Game-O-Matic
Fun Fact: I was raised in a vegetarian home and have never eaten meat.

Francois “So Suave” Fils-Aime

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: A B Scene
Fun Fact: I ran and completed the Boston Marathon twice.

Joe "Facial Hair" Gels

CSz Player Since
: 2014
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: 185
Fun Fact: I was once cat-fished on the Scrabble app.

“Bring It” Jon Fairbanks

CSz Player Since
: 2013
Starting City: Provo, UT
Favorite Game: Advice Panel
Fun Fact: I am the 1994 blockbuster video game state champion.


Kristen “Out of Ten” Aldrich

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: 5 Things
Fun Fact: I performed in an air guitar championship in NYC!

Kevin “Is a Place on Earth” Harrington

CSz Player Since
: 2018
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Paper Chase
Fun Fact: I was born on a holiday!

Laura “Original Broadway” Castañón

CSz Player Since: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: New Choice
Fun Fact: Technically, I've been bitten by a shark. It was very small.


Linda “Loose Lips” McMahan

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Paperchase
Fun Fact: I have a crush on Minnie Mouse.

Lucy Moore “Money More Problems”

CSz Player Since: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Scattegories
Fun Fact: My favorite movie is Flushed Away (it is an objectively good film)

MaRyea “The Girl on Fire” Jennings

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: 5 Things
Fun Fact: I can fit 42 Cheez-Its in my mouth at one time!

Michael Munroe “Row, Row Your Boat”

CSz Player Since
: 2017
Starting City: Columbus, OH
Favorite Game: Forward/Reverse
Fun Fact: I can lead sing a longs on a guitar, but can't read music.


Nicki “You’re So Fine” Aguilar-Thomson

CSz Player Since: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Instant Soap Opera
Fun Fact: I don’t have (and never have had) incisors! (The two teeth usually next to your front teeth)

Noel "Way No How" Naczi

CSz Player Since:
Starting City:
Favorite Game: Replay at Bernie's
Fun Fact: I don't eat my cereal with milk.

Sarah “Problem?!” Filman

CSz Player Since:
Starting City:
Favorite Game:
Finishing School
Fun Fact:
I love nudibranchs!


Sarah “Beg” Parro “or Steal”

CSz Player Since:
Starting City:
Favorite Game:
Genre Replay
Fun Fact:
I have never seen Napoleon Dynamite.

Sophia "Think You Can Dance?" Koevary

CSz Player Since: 2015
Starting City:
Favorite Game: 5 Things
Fun Fact: I've asked Mark Hamill to marry me 5 times via Twitter. He hasn't responded yet.

“Nin” Tien Dao “Switch”

CSz Player Since
: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Doo Rap Rap
Fun Fact: I was 4th place in a Tetris tournament.


Todd “Spoil The Child, Spare The” Rodenhiser

CSz Player Since: 2002
Starting City:
Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Game: 5 Things
Fun Fact: I disappeared my whole dinner. I’m like a magician or something!

Tracy “Baby Got” Beck

CSz Player Since:
Starting City:
Favorite Game:
Fun Fact:
I have art of myself entitled “man with legs.”

Zach "Hates Being Wrong, Loves Being" Reisch

CSz Player Since: 2022
Starting City: Boston
Favorite Game: Google Translate
Fun Fact: My left thumb is noticeably longer than my right thumb. Don't mention it to my right thumb though, it's a touchy subject.

Zara “Razz” Barryte

CSz Player Since:
Starting City:
Favorite Game:
Fun Fact:
I like to drink pickle brine in the summer.