Applied Improv: About Our Approach

Improv-based facilitation is about creating an environment that is warm, supportive, welcoming, and low-pressure.

We take this responsibilities seriously and use a 4-pronged approach to ensure everyone walks out of our trainings feeling energized and more confident in their abilities.

Our  fun, interactive, non performance-based workshops are filled with improv-based exercises and relevant reflections. Each exercise builds off the next,  to reveal the highly refined system of habits and skills that allow improvisers to work together to entertain audiences with little to no time to prepare.  All sessions involve multiple small group exercises, partner work, and large group exercises.  Coaches create a supportive, non-competitive experience and facilitate a low-stakes learning environment.  Applied Improv experiences are reliant on fully engaged participants. The environment is inclusive and supportive in nature. The activities foster relationships while building positive connections. 

Why fun and laughing?

When things are fun, our brains retain more, we’re more effective in the task at hand and create positive connections to the material being taught. Our coaches are professional, fun, and create safe and supportive environments from minute 1.

Why partner, small, and large group work?

  • Multiple small group exercises and partner work allow team members to connect and grow relationships while building trust in themselves and each other.

  • Large group exercises allow team members to practice collaborating in real-time and adjust what we call soft focus - the big-picture reminder of how their contributions and presence have an impact.

Why non-competitive? 

When it comes to teams working together, leading with a supportive, non-competitive experience supports a low-stakes learning environment where participants can practice the skills, free of judgment and critique.

Why no performing? 

Improv workshops differ from “doing improv comedy” in that the goal is to learn & practice in the context of a professional setting (vs. entertainment). Improv workshops maintain an environment free of performing, to set all attendees up for success and support.

Want to learn more?