Announcement: 10 New Players Added to the ComedySportz Main Roster

It's officially official, because it's on the Internet! We’re proud and pleased to announce 10 new members we've cast to the ComedySportz Boston Main Roster! Please join us in getting over the top excited about: 

Ryan Teixeira

Ryan Teixeira

Kevin Harrington

Kevin Harrington

Mike Devine

Mike Devine

Renée Singletary

Renée Singletary

Matt Silver

Matt Silver

David Gold

David Gold

Sarah Parro

Sarah Parro

Elizabeth Fieg

Elizabeth Fieg

Tracy Beck

Tracy Beck

Zach Barryte

Zach Barryte

All performers were cast following our August 2018 Tryouts and Callback event.  You can expect to see them playing on the field in their debut in November. 

Welcome to the CSz Worldwide family